Monday, April 16, 2012

Top 10 books at the fair -fiction non / fiction

RIA Novosti has selected 10 of the most interesting books that will be presented at the XII International Book Fair non / fiction in the CHA with 1 to 5 December.

a. Peter Weill ' word in a way '. Publisher Corpus submit essays Peter Weill ' Word of the road ', which includes essays, travel essays, and interviews of different times of the famous writer, traveler, journalist. There are stories about Russia, Italy, Japan, Armenia, Rio de Janeiro, New York, Lviv and Transcarpathia. All texts are united by the theme of travel, which Weill very seriously and has devoted a large part of his life and work. This book can be read in different ways: as a guide and as a collection of art and literary essays, and autobiographical prose as. The originator of the collection was the widow of Peter Weill Ale. It provided for the design of the book unique photos from the family archive. About the famous writer and his friend at the presentation of the book will tell Bilzho Andrei, Andrei Bondarenko, Andrei Plakhov, Sergei Parkhomenko, Lev Rubinstein and others ( presentation will be held December 5 to 15. 00 ).

2. Alexander Vvedensky 'All'.

The book 'All' - the first in Russia 700 -page collection of works by one of the most prominent representatives of the poetic flow Oberiu Alexander Vvedensky is publishing ' OIG '. This edition, which included almost all the ' adult ' works Vvedensky, literature lovers waited for many years. But Russian publishers could not publish the legacy of the poet for legal reasons.

3. Olga Slavnikova ' head light '.

AST Publishing will introduce a new novel, winner of the ' Russian Booker ' Olga Slavnikova - corporate style which is hard and uncompromising analysis of modern life with elements of fantasy. In the novel ' head light ' main character arrived in the capital, became a successful manager of a large firm, he has a decent income. But once he becomes a strange fictional officials from the Department of cause and effect relationships, and handed the gun to commit suicide. Good life of the hero changed dramatically.

4. Aravind Adige ' from murder to murder '.

The new, second novel, winner of the international ' Booker ' 2009 Indian writer Aravind Adige ' from murder to murder ' publishing is ' Phantom -Press '. Stories of everyday life of a small Indian town Kittura and its inhabitants are weaved into a bizarre pattern of the country.

5. Herta Müller ' The heart of a beast '.

Continuing the theme of the book prize - a book last year, the Nobel laureate, writer Herta Müller has released ' Amphora '. Muller has dedicated his work to expose the totalitarian regime, destroy lives, annihilating moral values. And in this novel the author has described the post-war fate of the German minority in totalitarian Romania, to which she belonged. The book is somewhat autobiographical - the Romanian secret police tried to force Mueller to cooperate and chased after her refusal, and the writer 's best friend watched it and reported it. This story became the basis for the plot of the novel.

6. Roman Senchin ' Absolute solo '.

The new novel finalists ' Big Book ' in 2010 by Roman Senchina ' Absolute solo ' present publisher ' AST '. In typical Senchina completely realistic manner, he tells about how heroically behaved bravely desperate climber, dying in the Himalayas. One of the nice additions to the book was its design. Cover is made in the romantic pink, which is absolutely responsible the content of the novel, which tells of the noble hero of romance -.

7. Daniil Kharms ' Collected Works ' in 3 volumes.

The works of another famous, but there is little published poet Daniil Kharms oberiutov publisher issued ' ABC ' - it's ' Collected Works ' of the poet in 3 volumes. The book includes poems, translations, adult and children's prose, dramatic works Harms.

8. Rolan Bykov, ' I'm broken - I'll start again! '.

Blogs favorite actor of Soviet cinema - Rolan Bykov present publisher AST. The book is called ' I'm broken - I'll start again! ', It includes diary entries, which led the Bulls with 15 years until his death, this event, and his personal life, and thinking about everything, theater, cinema. The edition is illustrated with rare photographs from the family archive. At the presentation of the book will present the artist 's widow, Elena Sanaeva (December 4, 14. 00 ).

9. Vladimir Radunsky ' Dog hip-hop '.

For adults and young readers Corpus publisher published a book of famous artist Vladimir Radunsky ' Dog Hip -Hop ' - a story about all the abandoned stray dog ​​, who one day learned how to sing hip- hop and became a star. Each copy of the book included a CD with songs about dog hip-hop performed by its author, Vladimir Kristovskiy - soloist Uma2urman. Musical presentation of the book, which will lead Artem Troitsky, will be held December 4 at 14. 00.

10. Eugene Hershkowitz ' Agitlak '.

The story of how the masters of Palekh lacquer miniature, Fedoskino, Mstera and Kholui adapted to the new Soviet reality and turned bright fancy boxes, cigarette cases, powder boxes and other small things into a powerful tool of Soviet propaganda. The book -album, published by Gamma -press, illustrated by the products of folk art from the collection of Alexander and Helen Dobrovinsky Tobacco.

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